After looking into the upcoming (American) National Park Stickerology release, I got curious about representation up here. There are 28 national parks in Canada. How many have you visited? Me - 4 so far.
The below are samples - visit their websites for the full inventory and let me know if you order any!
WildlySupplyCo - based in Banff, AB - western Canadian, mountainous parks.
StckrsBySage - North Bay, ON - a few national parks and a few provincial parks
CSAdventureArt - Cranbrook, B.C. - focus on famous lakes

gardenofclovers - Toronto, ON - medium-sized circular stickers and postage stamp-sized and shaped stickers.

VeryBlueArt - lots of territorial representation at this one, and Manitoba rep
Matt Hall Artworks - Vancouver, B.C. - many parks represented, including the second (of two) parks in Manitoba. Also available on Etsy.
Lastly, the official website - one decal for a specific park available:

P.S. The National Parks Stickerology cover dropped and it doesn’t look like any of my predictions. Fantastic!
6 for me (with thanks to my parents for childhood adventures)